Me & China Story writing competition

Me & China Story writing competition

From 3/24/2024, 4:00:00 PM to 5/24/2024, 1:00:00 PM

we are thrilled to announce the commencement of the "Me and China" writing campaign, a collaborative endeavor spearheaded by People's Daily and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

We extend a warm invitation to individuals from every corner of the globe to share their cherished memories and experiences related to China and its people. Whether recounting personal adventures within China or heartening interactions with Chinese acquaintances, we encourage participants to craft narratives that are not only lucid and accurate but also captivating to readers.

Entries must be original compositions that have not been previously published or disseminated publicly, ensuring the freshness and authenticity of each submission. Contributions may be submitted in Chinese or any other language, accompanied by a corresponding Chinese or English translation.

To maintain succinctness, submissions in Chinese should adhere to a maximum of 3,000 characters, while English versions should not exceed 2,500 words. For other languages, the length should correspond to the character limit of the translated Chinese version. Additionally, entrants are encouraged to enrich their stories with visual aids such as photographs, videos, or other supplementary materials.

Please forward your submissions via email to [email protected], and CC to [email protected] with the subject line "Me and China," and ensure inclusion of a contact number. The deadline for submissions is May 25, 2024.

Selected narratives will be featured in the "Me and China" column of People's Daily in Chinese, following necessary editing and translation. English renditions will be showcased on the English platform of the People's Daily Online website and within the People's Daily English Language App. Authors of published works will receive compensation for their contributions.

Furthermore, outstanding entries will be acknowledged with certificates and prizes, underscoring our appreciation for the exemplary depiction of cross-cultural encounters and bonds of friendship.

With sincere anticipation, we await your enriching stories that celebrate the enduring ties between individuals and the nation of China.

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