
CMCA Media: Cultural Platform for Tourism

CMCA held discussion with Beijing Jintai Henggeye International Travel Co. Ltd. 北京金泰恒业国际旅游有限公司 to promote Maldives culture and tourism in China through CMCA Media. At the meeting it was agreed to sign an MoU between Beijing Jintai Hengye International Travel Co. Ltd and CMCA, to incorporate Maldivian cultural and tourism video material into cable inhouse TV networks of hotels owned and/or managed by Beijing Jintai. The video materials will be subtitled or dubbed in Chinese language.

A Letter of Intent was signed between Mr. Li, Dean of Shaanxi Han Tang Cultural Creative Institute and

Dr. Adeel, CMCA Asst. Secretary-General (International Relations) to form a JV Platform in the Maldives to promote cultural tourism for Chinese calligraphy and art community with the understanding to generate resources to support the not-for-profit cultural exchange activities of CMCA.

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