
Sixth China-South Friendship Organizations’ Forum

The Sixth China-South Friendship Organizations’ Forum was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on

November 12th, 2019. This is a biannual forum organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) in partnership the Organization of South Asian Regional Friendship and Cultural Association (OSARFFC). The for the Forum was “The Belt and Road, building a community with a shared future”.

Mr. Mohamed Rasheed, Founder and President of China-Maldivian Cultural Association addressed at Inaugural Session, where he emphasized the importance of civil diplomacy and cultural exchanges among the youths of China and South Asian Countries in building a community with shared future. He urged the Leadership of CPAFFC to allocate more resources for cultural activities, enabling sustainable development of Belt and Road Initiative.

At the consultative discussion session, Mr. Rasheed highlighted the issues related to the perception of the mainstream international media about BRI Projects in South Asian countries, and the Chinese “Debt Trap” myth. He proposed for a consolidated media strategy of all the NGOs to promote positive socio-economic impact of BRI Projects, and the contribution to human centered development in South Asian countries. He noted the importance of proper cultural orientation to the Chinese Companies who are mobilized to implement BRI Projects.

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